Skip the technology hurdles by borrowing our brain 

Our consulting services act as a bridge, turning your business strategy into a technology roadmap for success

IT Business Consulting

Data is your most valuable asset. We help you manage, analyse, and effectively utilise your data to drive strategic growth.

Our approach goes beyond technology. We align IT solutions with your business goals, ensuring that every tech initiative supports your overall vision.

Outcome - We adapt technology to your business, not your business to technology.

Business Analysis

Validating your strategies for success before full-scale implementation

We evaluate and understand your business environment, by conducting a thorough analysis, identifying needs, challenges, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. 

The ultimate goal is to enhance your data management, ensuring recommendations are precisely aligned with your business objectives.

Data-centric Strategy

Data interoperability is a significant challenge, across various governmental bodies. The inability to harmonise standards complicates everything from citizen services to internal reporting and analytics.

Full-scale Implementation Plan

Data silos are often the root cause of inefficiencies, poor decision-making, and compliance risks. Siloed data can constrain collaboration and innovation, affecting almost every aspect of an organization.

On-demand Consultancy Services

Having access to large amounts of data without the ability to convert it into actionable insights result in missed opportunities for improvements and innovation, particularly for public administrations.

System Architecture Modelling

Engineering your digital blueprint

Think of your business as a grand structure, and your data as its intricate architecture. 

We make sure your data are efficient, scalable, and perfectly aligned with your business strategy.

Analysing your existing IT infrastructure, software, and hardware to understand current capabilities and limitations.

Architecture Planning and Design

Creating an architectural blueprint that outlines the proposed system structure. We carefully select the technology stack, design the database, and choose software frameworks, ensuring they fit together seamlessly.

Prototyping and Feedback Integration

Building the Enterprise Architecture model with ArchiMate and following TOGAF. Presenting the prototype to key stakeholders for feedback, ensuring the design meets all the business requirements.

Implementation Roadmap

Creating a comprehensive plan for the deployment of the new system architecture, including timelines, resource allocation, integration, and technical specifications.

Digital Transformation Strategy

Charting the digital future of your organisation

We create the roadmap that guides your business through technological evolution, ensuring every step is synchronised with your vision and goals.

Conducting a digital maturity assessment

Examining your current digital capabilities, existing tools, platforms, and digital skills within your team. Analysing market trends to understand the digital landscape in your industry.

Vision and Goal Setting

Collaborating with your leadership to define a clear digital vision aligned with your business objectives and defining clear steps to achieve it.

Digital transformation roadmap

Creating a detailed roadmap for your digital transformation, including key milestones, timelines, and resource allocation.

Change management and cultural shift

Facilitating technology adoption, by implementing clear procedures to manage the organisational changes that come with digital transformation, including staff training and development.

Data Management Consulting

Optimising your data universe

Data is more than just a resource. It’s the lifeblood of your organisation. We make sure your data is not just managed, but harnessed to its fullest potential for maximum business impact.

We offer consultancy and expert guidance for the integration of data from various sources, ensuring consistency and enabling seamless data exchange across different systems and platforms.

Data governance

Establishing robust data governance policies to manage and safeguard your data assets effectively.

Data infrastructure

Building a resilient and scalable data architecture tailored to your business needs. We select the right database systems, and warehousing solutions, ensuring efficient data flow across the organisation.

Data quality management

Creating a plan with clear steps to assess and improve the quality of data.

Data strategy 

Developing strategies to effectively harness data for business insights, identifying key data sources, integrating disparate data sets, and leveraging data for decision-making.

Workshops and Working Group facilitation

Bringing people to a semantic consensus

Creating uniform guidelines and protocols for how data is formatted, stored, managed, and exchanged within and between systems.

Delivering targeted training sessions to demystify data standards, ensuring seamless adoption and proficient use across the board.

Working group management

Leading and facilitating discussions in working groups composed of experts from various fields to develop standard data specifications.


Bringing together diverse viewpoints and expertise to achieve a semantic consensus on data standards. This requires a blend of diplomacy and technical knowledge to reconcile different opinions and approaches.

Standardisation and documentation

Ensuring that all standards are well-documented, providing clear guidelines and protocols for implementation, similar to writing a detailed instruction manual for assembling a complex machine.

Stakeholder engagement and feedback

Engaging with broader stakeholder groups, including potential standard users, to gather feedback and insights, ensuring the standards are practical and meet real-world needs.

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Meaningfy in Numbers

Customers served! 0 Clients
Customers served! 0 + Projects
Customers served! 0 Team Members
Customers served! 0  Years experience
Customers served! 0 Tools and platforms developed
Customers served! 0 % Satisfaction rate

Connect with us


Give unstructured data meaning, from plan to implementation.

Since each project is unique, we approach it with an open mind. We customise our solutions to meet your business needs.

Step 1


We discover your business goals and product vision, assess essential features, and map out the project timeline.

Step 2


We outline a clear, detailed proposal, tailored to your needs and present our solution. Through open dialogue and negotiation, we reach an agreement and sign off on the partnership.

Step 3


We execute the offer into the final solution, developing and refining through iterative feedback and rigorous testing to ensure it meets every aspect of the initial proposal.

Step 4


We deliver the complete solution, ensuring a seamless transition, integration into your existing systems, and ongoing support.

Case Studies

Let's discuss the best solution that works for you.

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